Saturday, November 16, 2013

Terrible 3's

My son has been three for a couple months now and lets just say it gets better (*sarcasm). Now that Jadon is three he gets into a lot more things. I know when I hear silence; he's doing something that's he's not suppose to. Sometimes its funny and I can't help but laugh; other times I'm ready to pull my hair out lol. For instance, Jadon likes jumping on the bed like most kids do. I told him to stop but of course he didn't listen. Next thing I see is Jadon did a back flip off the bed and fell. I ran over to him and to check and see if he hurt anything/ had anything broken. When I got to him I couldn't stop laughing.  I know some mom I am laughing at their kid doing a back flip but like all boys he got back up and started playing again. Anoter time Jadon took one of my permanent markers and colored on my carpet (the carpet is beige and the marker was red). While I'm screaming frantically Jadon is looking at me like I'm speaking another language. I do what any smart-minded person would do and Google how to get the stain out. I used rubbing alcohol and soap/water with a sponge. Boy was I surprised this actually worked. I did leave a pinkish stain but in time it fully went away and my carpet is back to its original color; phew *wipes forehead. Thank goodness for good ol' Google (:

I have more stories to share and hope you enjoy reading them.


First Time I saw You

I had my son July 6th 2010. I won't ever forget this day. My original due date was June 30th a day after my bday; but he came seven days later. It was one in the morning I got up to use the bathroom (had such a small bladder like all pregnant women do). I layed back down trying to get comfortable. When I finally got comfortable and pretty much asleep my water broke. At the time I didn't realize my water broke and thought I was peeing on myself lol. So I ran to the bathroom and wondering why I wouldn't stop peeing. Then I realized this wasn't pee! I live with my mom; so I turned her lights on and said calmly "I think my water broke?!" My mom takes me & my son's dad to the hospital. I pushed for hours b/c I decided to get the epidural (hey its my first kid and I didn't want to take the pain). At 1:11 Jadon Levi-Aaron was born. I know he has two middle names; I wanted Levi so he has my initials "J.L." and his dad wanted Aaron to remember his brother that passed. So we compromised amd did both. I knew I wanted to give him a biblical name and I did just that. I really liked the name (Jayden) but had no idea it was in the bible. Until one of the many parent websites I was on; someone suggested that I spelled it Jadon and told me where to look it up in the bible. I also looked up the meaning of his name as well. Jadon (which means thankful or he will judge). Fell more in love with the name and the meaning! When I held Jadon for the first time I couldn't believe I had him. So much feelings of joy and happy tears came all at once. 

I'm so proud to be a mom; even with a lot of ups and downs I've been through I would never trade it for anything
